If you are about to send an icon set design request, make it as detailed as possible. To be able to provide you with an estimate, I need you to answer the following questions:

  1. How many icons do you need?
  2. Where will the icons be used and what sizes do you need?
  3. What graphic style you are after? If you can give me some examples of icons you like/dislike, it will help. Please keep in mind that it may be not possible to keep detail level and style of 256*256px icon for a 48*48px one.
  4. Do you need a custom design or you are happy with one of the existing styles of the icon sets I've created? 
  5. Do the icons need to meet the branding guidelines? 
  6. Please state your project's due date and any other deadlines that need to be met.

If you are here to ask a question or write a feedback, ignore the list above :)